Sunday, May 15, 2011

Loving Lately...

Okay, I meant to post this last week, and didn't do it. Now it feels like old LewsNews, but I'm still going to post it.

Things I've been loving lately:
(or loving last week...)

-Matt, of course

-this song

-white chocolate (on my pretzels, on my strawberries, and just by its pretty delicious little self)

-this tv show. Yep, I LOVE it.

-my first pair of Toms shoes. They rock.

-this blog. It is hilarious. I think we would be excellent friends.

-watching Workout Wednesdays on Flotrack

-looking at pics of our Caribbean apartment...sorry I can't figure out how to get those pictures up here. Sad.

Things I have not been loving lately:

-rainy weather right after sunny weather. Oh how you tease me Utah spring.

-not seeing Matt very much because we are busy bees. Welcome to real life!!

-hurdle crew at home track meets. LOATHE, in fact. Set up your own hurdles, you hurdlers. I can only carry one at a time, and I get an anxiety attack every time they get stuck when I try to change the height.

-The thought that my days of eating Zupas and Costa Vida are numbered.

Well, that's the list for now. I'm planning to get an update from the Conference Championship this past weekend up soon too. I bet you're all so excited now that you know that. Oh, the anticipation!

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